
Business Yoga

Your Yoga Lunch Break or Afterwork Relax Time

Having worked in a demanding environment as project lead for innovative software projects myself for years, I know how difficult it is to take a pause from all that! 

But you can, it is your decision. 

I offer short lunch break yoga sessions in your company, you dont even have to get changed. Just take your shoes off 🙂 feel the ground, inhale deeply and exhale completely and you will be a new person after that break! You just need to book a room in your company. Invite me for an hour and I will be there to teach you mindfulness and relaxation using Yoga Asanas (body movement).

Classes are available in English or (high) German 

Lass Deine Arbeit für eine Stunde liegen, entspanne bei herzöffnenden Körperübungen (Asanas), einer kleinen Meditationseinheit und gehe anschliessend gestärkt und achtsam in den Arbeitstag zurück. Yoga hilft dir einmal so richtig gut durchzulüften und den Kopf frei zu bekommen, so kannst du ganz gelassen und kreativ zurück an die Arbeit.

Termine und Preise für Yoga in deinem Unternehmen auf Anfrage.